Have you find it hard to understand phone numbers left on your voicemail? Are you strugglling to catch dialogue on TV or in a theater? Do you sometimes feel frustrated when a spouse, parent, friend, or co-worker has trouble hearing you?
Many of our patients mention that they or their loved ones are starting to notice early signs of hearing loss. In fact, many people experience symptoms but don't talk about them. Hearing loss is a common issue for many, but it can be treated in several ways. We offer hearing services such as hearing tests, hearing aids in Chandigarh, and treatments to help improve hearing. Here are some questions people often ask the ENT specialist at The Ear, Nose, Throat Clinic and Hearing Center:
Around 30 million people experience hearing difficulties, often due to exposure to loud sounds or certain occupations. Hearing loss can be treated with medication, surgery, or devices like hearing aids. If you're having trouble hearing, consult an ENT specialist like Dr. Tedford or Dr. Getnick for a proper diagnosis and treatment options. You may also be referred to an audiologist for a detailed hearing assessment. At our clinic, we provide expert evaluations and offer a range of hearing aids in Chandigarh to improve your hearing.
After your assessment, you can talk to our healthcare team to discuss the best treatment for your hearing loss. In many cases, a hearing aid, which is an electronic device that amplifies sounds, can help improve your hearing and make it easier to hear day-to-day.
Common? Yes. But hearing loss is not considered normal. The question to ask yourself is: What stresses or strains in your life would be reduced if you could hear better? Are you able to follow conversations? Understand voices over the phone? Recognize the words of your children or grandchildren? Is it hard to talk with people in a public place? Just as there are ways to overcome poor eyesight, there are ways to overcome hearing loss, however common it may seem.
Hearing loss is often preventable. That's why we encourage all our patients to wear protective earplugs when exposed to loud noises. We consider any noise that makes you raise your voice as "loud." To help, we offer free foam earplugs to all our patients. If you need them often, you can ask us to fit you with custom earplugs or special ones like musicians' plugs, which protect your ears but still let you hear music.
Advancements in hearing aid technology have helped many people improve their hearing. Users report better sound quality, easier conversations, and a more enjoyable experience with TV, movies, or phone calls. Today’s hearing aids are smaller, fit easily in the ear, and are nearly invisible, reducing the need to ask people to repeat themselves. With digital technology, these aids are customizable to fit individual hearing needs in different environments. For those seeking hearing aids in Chandigarh, these devices offer a big improvement in hearing and overall quality of life.
Most of our patients reach a point where their frustration with hearing loss propels them into action. We assist in the process of identifying the loss, learning how it can be treated, and explaining the treatment options.
Mr. Sanjay, our audiologist, will guide you through choosing and adjusting the right hearing aid for you. Based on your audiogram results, hearing loss, and ear shape, he will show you various options, from behind-the-ear to in-the-canal models. He will also help you decide whether one (monaural) or two (binaural) aids are best for you. Most importantly, he ensures a proper fit and that the aids meet your needs. We offer SIEMENS hearing aids.
It’s normal for many patients to take up to a year to adjust to their new hearing aids. That’s why we check in with new users regularly. Hearing aids are finely tuned devices that can bring noticeable changes, like hearing sounds that weren’t heard before. It can take time to get used to the new high and low frequencies added to your hearing. We welcome our patients to come back for follow-up visits to track progress, make adjustments, and answer any questions.
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